‘The 100’ Postmortem – ARTICLE

Eliza Taylor as Clarke in ‘The 100’ (The CW)
Eliza Taylor as Clarke in ‘The 100’ (The CW)

"The 100" will never be the same.

(Spoiler alert! This article contains major plot details from the Season 2 finale of The CW's "The 100." Watch first and bookmark this page to come back to later.)

In the Season 2 finale of The CW's "The 100," Clarke had to do the unthinkable to save her people.

With the help of Monty and the hand of Bellamy, Clarke pulled the switch to pull in air from the outside world, killing everyone (who had not been treated) inside of Mount Weather. While she saved her friends, the horrible incident left Clarke in great pain, knowing she had to sacrifice not just the guilty, but the innocent – including Jasper's girlfriend, Maya.

PHOTOS: ‘The 100’: Scenes From ‘Blood Must Have Blood, Part One’

Access Hollywood spoke with "The 100" Executive Producer Jason Rothenberg about the big twists in the episode.

AccessHollywood.com: Where does Clarke go now and is she really all alone or can Bellamy go out and find her? I kind of wanted him to go with her. They've been through so much! Where are they at the end of the season?
Jason Rothenberg:
She's all alone. The two of them have sort of reached this point together, and they've had to do all of this stuff in order to get to this point where they've saved their people and they've brought them home. And Bellamy has risen as a leader and this is his flock, these are his people and he's finally recognized as the hero that he is by Cain, in particular. ... Cain, who essentially tased him and arrested him in Episode 1, and now he's putting his hand on his shoulder and saying, 'Good job. Way to go, soldier.' And Bellamy's always wanted to be in the guard. That's who he is and so he feels responsible for these people and he's not going to leave them. Clarke is in a very different place. The things that she's had to do are, I think, much more psychically damaging. She killed the boy she loved, and a lot of people don’t think she really loved Finn, but the truth is, she did and she had to kill him in order to not only save him from the horrible death that he was going to face at the hands of the Grounders, but had she not, had Finn not been given up, all of her people would have died, so she had to do that. She, of course, in the finale, had to kill every man, woman and child in Mount Weather and although Bellamy, yeah, put his hand on hers and said, 'Yeah, let's do this together,' ultimately it was Clarke's choice and Bellamy was supporting her and so she needs a break. This is a girl who for the entire time on the ground, for two seasons of television now, every waking breath has been under intense, intense pressure to keep everybody alive and so she just wants to be alone and be for a little while and not have to be reminded of all the horrible things she's done. So I think they come to a very different place in this moment, where Bellamy's just ready to like go inside and have a beer and say, 'We did it. Now what?' and Clarke's like, 'I can't. I can't live with what I've done.' And by the way, that was by design. From day one of this season, I knew that at the end of this journey, Clarke was going to have been successful in saving her people, at least those who were still drawing breath, but that she was going to have to go so far in getting it done that she wasn’t gonna be able to sort of go into the promise land. She wasn't going to be able to celebrate the victory because of what she'd had to do and that'll be something she has to deal with now.

Marie Avgeropoulos as Octavia and Devon Bostick as Jasper in ‘The 100’ (The CW)
Marie Avgeropoulos as Octavia and Devon Bostick as Jasper in ‘The 100’ (The CW)

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Access: I have to ask you about Jasper. Will he be after Clarke's hide? He was in love with Maya.
Yes. You know, his heart is broken. He definitely thought he had a different way he was gonna get it done. He was going to kill Cage and I don't know whether or not he'll be able to get over that any time soon and more importantly, I think it's a problem with his best friend Monty and that's a relationship that's really important to the show, and to them as characters. And obviously [that relationship] is going to be very, very strained now going forward and I'm sure we haven't seen the last of it. I'm sure that things will transpire in the coming season to like push them back together – I hope, anyway. But, you know, Jasper's definitely in a very different place than the others when we leave him at the end of the season.

Access: What a fun character to have written for this season.
Yeah. He definitely changed a lot. He started out as comic relief in many ways and as a child and really did come of age and became a man and became a hero in his own right this season. And Devon Bostick is incredible. I think, as an actor, he's such a natural and he's so connected to emotion. It's unbelievable the stuff that he can do on a dime and so that's always fun to write for, for sure.


Additionally, when Access spoke to Rothenberg on Tuesday about “The 100,” we asked the producer if fans should be worried about the fate of Alycia Debnam Carey's Lexa in the finale, or going forward, since it was announced that . He told us, he's hoping they can bring her back, as "The Walking Dead" spinoff's first season is just six episodes.

"My understanding is they're done filming their first season before we start filming our third season. Nobody likes to stand in the way of the actors and their shows working and I think that the character of Lexa is something that does not in any way harm Alycia Debnam-Carey's brand or 'The Walking Dead's' brand and that's the kind of thing you worry about when you get the requests from – because it happens for us all the time too. People want to hire the amazing people in our show and if it's at all possible, we like to say, 'Absolutely. What's good for them is good for us.' So hopefully that'll be the decision that AMC reaches also," he said.

-- Jolie Lash

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