Deadpool Remakes History In “Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars”

As Marvel’s big “Secret Wars” event approaches, only one hero has what it takes to completely rewrite the original “Secret Wars” from 1984 and forever change comic book history. Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars, part of “Warzones!”, hits shelves soon.

Marvel Entertainment

You may not remember Deadpool's involvement in the original "Secret Wars" back in 1984, but that doesn't mean he wasn't there. In Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars, you'll go back in time to see how Deadpool helped shape the iconic event from 30 years ago.

I had a chance to ask the writer of Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars, Cullen Bunn, a few questions:

What's your favorite part about writing Deadpool?

Cullen Bunn: The great thing about writing Deadpool is that he can demolish expectations and typical comic book conventions with monster truck force. There are few other characters who can transition so easily from one type of story to the next. Readers are willing to accept that Deadpool is killing every other Marvel hero... or assassinating the icons of literature... or standing alone against a zombie invasion. In the case of this new series, I think readers are willing to accept that Deadpool was and always has been part of the original SECRET WARS. Because that's what happened. He was there, and his actions helped shape every major shake-up and revelation from that event!

Since he's so good at breaking the fourth wall, what do you think Deadpool would say is his favorite part about you?

CB: Deadpool's probably pretty proud of his comic book hero physique.

If you could write Deadpool into any comic book event, which would it be?

CB: Besides SECRET WARS? That's a tough one. Not long after I wrote DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, I pitched the story of Deadpool infiltrating the events of the first Secret Wars and having an in-continuity impact on that story. So, this one has been on my mind for a while. That said, I also had the notion for a bigger Deadpool story that was one part Exiles, one part Quantum Leap. In that story, Deadpool would have been popping into every Marvel event. ATLANTIS ATTACKS and MAGNETO WAR and ACTS OF VENGEANCE and EVOLUTIONARY WAR and INFINITY GAUNTLET and every other major happening in the Marvel Universe in order to make sure they happened the way they were supposed to. He'd be operating in secrecy, of course, as he forged the destiny of the universe with ninja-like grace. It would have all been in-continuity, so it wouldn't have just been important to Marvel's history. It would have been the most important comic ever!

What's one secret about Deadpool that's never been revealed before?

CB: He's had a few love affairs with some of the most important ladies of the Marvel Universe. The revelation of these trysts would shake the super hero community to its very core!

Which two Marvel heroes would you be most excited to see battle it out?

CB: I'm cheating in my answer here, but I'd still love to see every member of the Wolverine family--characters like Logan, X-23, and Daken--fight every member of the Hulk family--like Hulk, Skarr, and She-Hulk. It would be a throw-back to the classic Hulk vs. Wolverine battle, just taken to the extreme.

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