CLAIM: Robert Pattinson Going Broke Because Of “Gold Digger” FKA Twigs

Robert Pattinson FKA Twigs Gold Digger

(Getty Images)

There are few things worse than when one tabloid piles on to another tabloid’s wrong, already debunked story. Last week, Gossip Cop correctly busted an OK! article that falsely claimed Robert Pattinson was broke. Now one of the magazine’s facts-challenged sister outlets is alleging Pattinson’s girlfriend FKA Twigs is to blame for his supposed financial woes.

A so-called “close friend” of Pattinson tells RadarOnline, “Robert and FKA Twigs are living like A-listers on a C-listers salary.” While OK! primarily blamed the actor’s allegedly lower funds on his transition from the Twilight franchise to smaller independent films, RadarOnline also points the finger at Twigs. The webloid’s source claims, “Rob is not working right now because he is so focused on her.”

“He insists on paying for everything because that is the kind of guy that Rob is,” continues the RadarOnline snitch, who further says of Twigs, “FKA is not a dumb girl and she knows how to work men and has even been called a gold-digger by people who know her. Although they both spoil each other, but she has pennies compared to the kind of money he has.”

There’s several problems here. First, as an actual Pattinson source already told Gossip Cop, the allegation that he is struggling with money is a “total lie.” Second, if Pattinson was so concerned about his cash flow and Twigs’ motives, he would simply stop spending money and stop dating her. And yet they remain happily together, despite the nonsense outlets like OK! and RadarOnline make up about them on a regular basis.

Lastly, the notion that Pattinson isn’t working “because he is so focused” on FKA Twigs is flat-out WRONG. The star’s new movie, Childhood of a Leader, just started filming in Budapest earlier this week. Pattinson also has another movie, The Lost City of Z, in pre-production, and two others, Life and Queen of the Desert, in the can. In fact, both of those films will premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival in a few days.

We’re not sure how RadarOnline defines “working,” but we’re pretty sure all of that qualifies. Of course, the webloid hasn’t known what’s going on with Pattinson for years. And that’s clearly still the case. Pattinson is working. There is NO concern about his money or his relationship. The end.

Shari Weiss