VIDEO: Jennifer Aniston And Jimmy Fallon Do “Lip Flip” On Tonight Show

Jennifer Aniston Lip Flip Jimmy Fallon


Jennifer Aniston and Jimmy Fallon swapped mouths during another installment of “Lip Flip” on Wednesday’s “Tonight Show.” It all started with Aniston, on to promote Cake, saying, “I love being interviewed by you… but I also want to kind of interview me.” That’s when Fallon said he could make it happen (video below).

At first, Aniston, with Fallon’s lips (and voice), did an impression of Billy Bob Thornton from Slingblade. She then started talking like a dude who’s excited about the upcoming Bonnaroo musical festival and how she’s going to “eat mac and cheese in a tent with my fingers.”

The conversation then turned to the Super Bowl. Fallon, using Aniston’s lips (and voice) asked the actress, “Who do you want to win the Super Bowl?” Aniston said, “I’m going with the Pats all the way, bro.” And when Aniston asked Fallon, who he was going to root for, he answered, “Seattle, dude… Totally, like we got all the weed, man.” He added that Washington state, and more specifically Seattle, has “got the Starbucks, the Space Needle, weed. Oh hey, did I say we got weed?”

Fallon and Aniston then quickly rattled off what the hometowns of the Super Bowl teams have. Aniston said, “Patriots,” to Fallon’s “Seattle,” followed by “[quarterback Tom] Brady,” to “[Seattle quarterback Russell] Wilson.” “Chowder,” shouted Aniston, to which Fallon shot back, “Coffee.” “Cheers,” offered Aniston, while Fallon said, “Frasier.” And finally, Aniston mentioned “Aerosmith,” to which Fallon replied, “Pearl Jam.” The two then shouted “Super Bowl” over and over again with their swapped mouths.

Aniston is the latest star to participate in Fallon’s “Lip Flip.” Other past female celebrities who have played along include Tina Fey, Drew Barrymore, and Sofia Vergara. Check out the video below, and tell us what you think.

Michael Lewittes