Watch This Crazy Swedish Cartoon Meant To Teach Kids About Their Bodies

Yes, it’s a dancing penis and vagina.

This video from a Swedish kids' show is meant to teach children about their body parts. You won't be able to get the tune out of your brain, and you won't be able to un-see it, but it's totally worth it.

And check out the crazy lyrics, translated below!

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It starts off with a polite introduction: "Here comes the penis at full speed!"

It starts off with a polite introduction: "Here comes the penis at full speed!"

Well, polite and maybe a little aggressive.

SVT / Via

Then it goes straight to crazytown: "He who has no pants, dangling penis and naked ass."

Then it goes straight to crazytown: "He who has no pants, dangling penis and naked ass."


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More introductions: "Snippe-dipp-dipp-snippedi-do! The vagina is awesome, yes it is!"

More introductions: "Snippe-dipp-dipp-snippedi-do! The vagina is awesome, yes it is!"

Well, that's nice.

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