Azealia Banks SLAMS Kendrick Lamar: “F*ck” Whites and Blacks “Getting Along!”

Azealia Banks Kendrick Lamar

(Getty Images)

Azealia Banks slammed Kendrick Lamar on Friday, unleashing an explosive new Twitter rant in which she called his comments to Billboard about police brutality the “dumbest sh*t I’ve ever heard a black man say.” Banks then dismissed all conversation about whites and blacks “getting along” and renewed her demands for slavery reparations.

As Gossip Cop reported, in his interview with Billboard, Lamar acknowledged that he’s had his own personal issues with police mistreatment and said the infamous shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri should have “never happened.” However, Lamar then added, “But when we don’t have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within. Don’t start with just a rally, don’t start from looting — it starts from within.”

His remarks ENRAGED Banks, who has spent recent weeks tweeting up a storm, feuding with Iggy Azalea about the Australian’s appropriation of black culture, comparing the rape accusations against Bill Cosby to police killings of blacks, and blaming America for continuing to keep blacks down while denying them the reparations she says they deserve. Here’s what Banks had to say in her latest rant on Friday, starting with a quote from Lamar:

“When we don’t respect ourselves how can we expect them to respect us” dumbest sh*t I’ve ever heard a black man say. Lol do you know about the generational effects of poverty, racism and discrimination? There are things in society that benefit a select few of us. fine… But don’t put down the rest by saying they don’t respect themselves. HOW DARE YOU open ur face to a white publication and tell them that we don’t respect ourselves…. Speak for your f*cking self.

I really pray for the minds of the urban youth, I really do because I was once on the side of feeling like I wasn’t owed anything… Once on the side of feeling like black people ain’t sh*t because that’s what America and my social studies textbooks taught me. Becoming an adult and doing my own research has REALLY opened up my f*cking eyes, and I get upset to know that… There are still young black kids in our public schools being indoctrinated with the same sh*t they pumped into my head.

And f*ck all this sh*t about erasing racial barriers and getting along… Why does white America think blacks even wanna be here?! I really just want my f*cking reparations, and want you guys to stop killing my sons and telling my daughters they’re ugly. You can hate me and call [me] n*gger all you want, because chances are I probably think you are a cracker too.

Wow. Banks’ comments immediately created a stir on Twitter, becoming a trending topic. In recent weeks, reaction to the performer’s rants has been divided between fans who believe she’s speaking truth to power, and critics who think Banks is misguided and desperate for attention. How do you interpret her latest remarks?

Daniel Gates