WATCH: Harry Styles and Ian McKellen Cuddle On Graham Norton Show (VIDEO)

Ian McKellen Harry Styles Video


Harry Styles and Ian McKellen cuddled during a heartwarming moment on Friday’s “The Graham Norton Show” that might indeed break the Internet. The singer and his One Direction mates were reminiscing about the time their paths and McKellen’s almost crossed in New Zealand, where they had a concert and he was filming The Hobbit.

Unfortunately, the boy band never got to the movie set. But Styles mentioned that he and a friend once had a Lord of the Rings marathon on a day off from school. He lit up and told McKellen, “You’re amazing!” The actor replied, “So are you.” Then they cuddled. And our hearts nearly burst.

At another point, Norton asks whether the One Direction guys believe their American fans think of them as “British” or just as a massive pop music act. And he asks Zayn Malik about the gorgeous strand of hair that flopped on his face at the American Music Awards. Was it planned? “No, it kind of just fell that way,” explained Malik, who was very amused by some of the ecstatic tweets about his hair.

There’s also a clip of Michael Keaton and Jamie Oliver talking about penis tattoos. We won’t spoil it. Check out the videos below, and tell us what you think!

Daniel Gates