You can practically feel your veins hardening just looking at these. Here are pics from the restaurant that is actively and proudly trying to kill its patrons, as demonstrated again this week by a woman who nearly died at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. These are all from the grill's original location in Chandler, Arizona.
Waitress Mary Brasda poses with a "Quadruple Bypass Burger" at the Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, Arizona June 17, 2009. The restaurant is known for its hospital theme and triple and quadruple bypass burgers. The restaurant began in Chandler, opened a location in Dallas, but now only operates out of Las Vegas.
(Reuters / Joshua Lott)
The Quadruple Bypass Burger has nearly 10,000 calories, a Guinness World Record. At least 2 customers have suffered health complications at Heart Attack Grills in the past year. The most recent incident involved a woman in Las Vegas who was eating a Double Bypass Burger, smoking cigarettes and drinking a margarita. She was found unconscious on the floor and is currently recovering in the hospital.
(Reuters / Joshua Lott)
Heart Attack Grill owner Jon Basso poses with a quadruple bypass cheese burger. Basso is unrepentant regarding sick patrons, saying the restaurant is plastered with warnings about how the food is incredibly unhealthy.
(Reuters / Joshua Lott)
Waitress Elisha Greenleaf dresses a patron in a hospital gown.
(Reuters / Joshua Lott)