Flickr: 14132971@N05 / Via Creative Commons
Ye Olde Random Hookup
How could you help it? You were drunk, they were drunk. You didn't ask their name and they didn't bother to ask yours. How could that end badly?
Penance: Having your friends tell you the next day that that guy you drunkenly made out with was your other friend's step brother. Younger step brother, that is.
USA / Via
Ye Gluttonous Netflix Marathon
No one simply watches one episode of Orange Is The New Black. No one. How you thought you were going to is beyond me. Well, there goes your weekend plans. Y'know, the plans that actually involved other people?
Penance: Being too tired to get to brunch the next day. And they were having a waffle special!
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Ye Credit Card Dance
"Open one to pay off the other? Genius!" – You, right before you sign your name to that shiny and new, albeit high APR, credit card. Make that your third shiny and new, albeit high APR, credit card.
Penance: Calling your parents and explaining why you need that inheritance now, please.
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