‘Big Brother 16’: Frankie Grande on the Rewind Blindside and Team America Curse

Big Brother Houseguest Frankie - P 2014


"Big Brother 16's" Frankie Grande

[WARNING: Spoilers ahead from Tuesday's eviction episode of Big Brother.]

Big Brother evicted its latest houseguest.

Frankie Grande, the 31-year-old self-proclaimed "social media mogul" from Boca Raton, Fla. (and who happens to be Ariana Grande's older half-brother), went from having all the power to becoming the seventh member of the jury with last week's Rewind twist. After winning both the Head of Household and Power of Veto, the Rewind left him vulnerable and shifted the power to sole voters this week, The Hitmen (Derrick Levasseur, never on the block, and Cody Calafiore, POV holder). On a special eviction on Tuesday, Frankie was evicted by a 2-0 vote.

Because the nine-person jury has now begun, evicted houseguests will be answering questions via email for The Hollywood Reporter following their evictions. Questions can only be centered on conversations, alliances and events to which they were privy. In her exit interview for THR, Frankie answers nine questions about his eviction, why he stayed loyal to the boys, whether his Ariana Grande reveal ultimately paid off and why being a member of Team America was "detrimental."

If the Big Brother Rewind affected one houseguest the most, it was you. Prior to the rewind, you won the HOH and POV competitions, almost ensuring that Victoria would be going home and the Final 4 deal with Caleb, Cody and Derrick would remain intact. When the rewind came into effect, why were you targeted?

I was targeted because this is a game for $500,000 and greed will almost always win out over loyalty. It is not in my character to play that way, so during my reign as HOH, I honored the Final Four deal and was proud to have done so. However, I knew I was the biggest target and that it would be detrimental to everyone else’s game if I remained in the house.

You were reassured safety even though you were on the block. At what point did you start to believe you were truly in danger of being evicted?

As soon as I was nominated, I knew I was the target. Caleb might not have known, but I knew. 

The houseguests, save for Donny and Derrick, have been unaware of the existence of Team America. From a game standpoint, how helpful or detrimental was it to be paired up with Derrick and Donny?

Ultimately, I believe it was 100 percent detrimental. I trusted Derrick more than I should have and I spent most of my game protecting Donny rather than looking out for myself. 

Any regrets about the Team America challenge where you opted to put on a Big Brother play, over saving Donny?

There was absolutely no way that Donny would have been saved in the allotted amount of time to complete the mission. Even though I managed to get the votes to save Donny in the end, Derrick wouldn’t go along with it so we would have failed either way. At least this way, we failed in style.

What was one move or decision you wish you could do over?

I wish I put up either Caleb or Derrick next to Victoria during my last HOH instead of Cody. I feel it may have bought me some clout with Cody moving forward in the game whereas, instead it showed Cody he was on the bottom of the pecking order and ultimately turned him against me.  

One of your biggest moves came when you revealed your Ariana Grande connection. In hindsight, how much of a factor was that reveal and did it pay off?

Yes, I believe it paid off because timing is everything and the time I chose to reveal my true identity and who my family really is, was not only perfect but necessary. I had hit rock bottom and I knew that for me to continue on in this game, I had to do something drastic. I ultimately went from going home, to one of the last men standing. 

Who is running the game?


Who would you like to see evicted next?


You called yourself a "social media mogul." Explain what that is.

It means that the things that I tweet and post on all of my various social media platforms are read and re-blogged a lot (and that was before I entered the house). For example, New York Magazine recently published that I was one of the top most influential tweeters in New York City.

Big Brother next airs 8 p.m. Wednesday on CBS.

Email: Philiana.NgTHR.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng