Ray Rice Scandal: Jon Stewart Tells NFL “You Done F—ed Up”

Ray Rice - H 2014

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Ray Rice

Jon Stewart outlined the latest developments in the Ray Rice domestic abuse scandal on Wednesday night's episode of The Daily Show, complete with a scolding for the NFL.

After video surfaced of the Baltimore Ravens running back dragging his then-fiancee Janay Palmer out of an Atlantic City hotel elevator — "because a gentleman would never leave his fiancee's body unattended," Stewart noted — TMZ Sports posted the shocking video of the incident, leading the Ravens to fire the player while the NFL suspended him indefinitely.

It's a move that follows the league's "two-game slap" to Rice in July, and the establishment of the rule in August for players' first domestic abuse offense, which would lead to a six-game suspension. "If you hit a woman, they will not let you hit a man for six more weeks," Stewart explained.

Of the reports that the NFL was sent the elevator footage in April, Stewart told the league, "You done f—ed up. ... So you had the tape, and you want us to believe that you did not look at it? Well, I think we're all pretty aware of the NFL's obsessive-compulsive tape-watching addictions. For God sakes, you get 24 angles in high-res slow-motion just to see whether or not a man's knee goes over an imaginary line before his hand crosses a different imaginary line before his hand crosses a different imaginary line!"

He warned, "So NFL, perhaps next time you attempt to bury the damaging information about your league's contact, I guess we'll know to throw the red challenge flag."

Watch the clip below:

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Ashley Lee