1. You were born between Aug. 24 and Sept. 23.
You're highly discriminating.
Some people might call it "picky" or "prudish," but that's not it — You, Virgo, simply know exactly what it is that you do, and do not, want.
Paramount / Via realnebraskagirls.com
You have a keen eye for pointing out flaws in people/things around you.
It's not that you're mean, or harsh — you're just intuitive, and good at using your analytical skills to assess flaws in a situation or person. You just have to be careful you don't point them out TOO readily.
Warner Bros. / Via thesmartlocal.com
You're very, very organized — probably with one notable exception.
Virgos are known as "clean freaks," but it's common for them to have ONE place — whether material, like a closet, or in the form of a bad habit — where they're complete messes.
NBC / Via itsthelittlethingsblog.blogspot.com
You're an incurable perfectionist.
Much like Queen Bey (herself a Virgo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, B), almost perfect isn't good enough for you. You are relentless, ambitious, and highly self-critical — and likely to go far because of it.
youtube.com / Via rebloggy.com