Jimmy Kimmel And Soccer Fans All Around The World Find Out What Big Fat Liars People In Hollywood Are

Apparently Landon Donovan is doing really well in the 2014 World Cup.

In the latest edition of Lie Witness News, Jimmy Kimmel hit the streets of Hollywood to ask people what they thought of Landon Donovan's play in the World Cup this year. The only problem was that he was cut from the team before the World Cup even started.

Jimmy Kimmel / Via youtu.be

When they asked this guy how Donovan was doing, he went into great detail.

When they asked this guy how Donovan was doing, he went into great detail.

RIP: Landon Donovan's imaginary nose.

Jimmy Kimmel / Via youtu.be

This guy even remembered exactly where he was when Donovan scored a goal off his butt.

This guy even remembered exactly where he was when Donovan scored a goal off his butt.

Jimmy Kimmel / Via youtu.be

But then things got weird when this girl thought he was Luis Suárez.

But then things got weird when this girl thought he was Luis Suárez .

Jimmy Kimmel / Via youtu.be

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