Bachelorette Recap: Nick Sneaks Into Andi’s Hotel Room, Other Guys Profess Love Before Hometown Dates



Andi Dorfman continued her European journey and quest for love by gathering her remaining guys and jetting to Belgium on the latest episode of “The Bachelorette.”

With only a week before hometown dates, tensions were high.

There were tears and there were  even geese, but before all that there was Chris Harrison reminding the guys that there was a lot of pressure.

Nick was immediately itching for a one-on-one date even though he just had one. (Some of the guys should sit him down and explain to him how this show works.)

Harrison added more stress and pressure by announcing that there wouldn’t be any more roses given out during the private dates.

The former assistant district attorney next chose Marcus for her first date in Brussels. He wasted no time confessing his love for her, despite the fact that he once considered leaving.

Things got heavy between the two during dinner at the Palais de Academies when Marcus explained that his dad was not in the picture, and his relationship with his mom was strained.

Dorfman was feeling his sensitive side, and they spent the rest of the night kissing.

Nick proved, once again, he is not looking to make friends when he abandoned the rest of the guys in search for Dorfman’s hotel room (VIDEO BELOW).

Thankfully, Cody was eliminated last episode because Nick’s latest actions would have definitely throw him over the edge.

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Nick not-so-slyly explained to the concierge that he “forgot” his room number, but gave his “wife” Andi Dorfman’s name to score the number and the key.

Because this is reality television, we will ignore the blatant breach of security at this hotel.

Anyway, Nick’s entire plan could have backfired, but knowing Dorfman’s love for aggressive, take-charge men, it was not surprising she was thrilled to have a guy sneak into her room.

They headed to an outdoor cafe, and Nick was rewarded for his efforts with a series of kisses.

Dorfman clearly believes all is fair in love, war, and “The Bachelorette.”

RELATED – Bachelorette Andi Dorfman NOT Pregnant After “Passionate Night In The Fantasy Suite”

Next, Dorfman chose Josh for her second one-on-one date in the town of Ghent, despite their lover’s quarrel over lie detector tests last week.

The two enjoyed the city’s beautiful landscape and a parade of geese, but Dorfman wanted Josh to be honest about his feelings.

Later that night, Dorfman continued to dig for Josh’s buried emotions with some success. Josh finally admitted he was falling in love, and they danced and kissed during an American Young concert.

Before her group date with Nick, Dylan, Brian, and Chris, Dorfman dubbed this rose the most important one of the season, because it meant that there was no doubt she wanted to meet the recipient’s family.

Dorfman and her suitors rode bikes to a monastery, where she and Chris reenact the pottery scene from Ghost.

Brian told Dorfman that he was falling in love with her, while Nick strategized his every move.

“The Bachelorette” left the guys cursing after she gifted Nick the group date rose.

Not surprisingly, the guys confronted Nick as soon as he got home because they didn’t feel like he was there for the right reasons.

At the rose ceremony, Chris took Dorfman aside and reassured her that he was not only falling in love with her, but also wanted her to meet his family.

After they separated, Chris made a spectacle of having to see her for one last thing. Dorfman thought he was going to tell her that he was leaving, but he was actually taking a page out of Nick’s playbook — and stole a kiss.

Dorfman ultimately sent Dylan and Brian home at the end of the night, which left her in tears.

Next week, Dorfman is headed to her remaining suitors’ hometowns.

Erica Tempesta