Ellen Page Reveals Secrets of ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Sentinels (Video)

Ellen Page Seth Meyers - H 2014


Ellen Page claims she didn't have to too try too hard to feign being afraid of Sentinels while shooting X-Men: Days of Future Past.

The actress, who appears on the May 16 cover of The Hollywood Reporter magazine, told Seth Meyers on Tuesday that when shooting the film she acted opposite "a tennis ball," which stood in for the mutant hunting robots: "But I have a phobia of tennis balls, so it works really well."

Jimmy Fallon welcomed Neighbors stars Zac Efron and Seth Rogen for a very testosterone-filled session of "Ew!" The girls even got a text from James Franco. (Ew!)

Over on ABC, Jimmy Kimmel welcomed Mad Men star Jon Hamm, who discussed doing karaoke with Elisabeth Moss:

"We had a group together from the show and we Mad Men-stormed a karaoke joint in the valley and had our way with it," Hamm said. "There was a lot of stares, but it was very low-lit. When we started singing there was a sea of iPhones. I can't sing to save my life."

What were your favorite moments from Tuesday's late night TV circuit?

Aaron Couch, Debbie Emery