52 Things You Never Knew About Benedict Cumberbatch

So many facts, so little time.


1. He has a condition called heterochromia which means his eyes are different colours. His irises are a mixture of blue, green and gold.
2. He was once held at gun point and kidnapped in South Africa. After being tied up, thrown in a car boot and driven to the middle of nowhere, he was released with no explanation for what had happened.
3. He isn't a fan of the term 'Cumberbitches,' which is what his fans call themselves. He said it 'sets feminism back so many notches,' and would prefer the name 'Cumberpeople'.
4. He voiced Alan Rickman (as Professor Snape,) in an episode of The Simpsons in 2013.
5. He filmed his Star Trek: Into the Darkness audition in a friend's kitchen on an iPhone.


6. During his gap year, he taught English in a Tibetan monastery.
7. He lives by the rule, ''Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm possible'.''
8. Benedict was once cyber-stalked by a fan who 'live tweeted' his actions as he was doing them at home.
9. He gained impressive GCSE results, but didn't do so well at A-Level after discovering 'girls, pot and all sorts of other things'.
10. He ate 4,000 calories per day to prepare for his part in Star Trek: Into the Darkness.
11. He also deliberately lost weight for his role in Sherlock. He explained the reason was because he wanted to portray Holmes ''as a character with such high intelligence that it manifests itself in a physical, 'mind over matter' sort of way.'''

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