16 Signs This Semester Has Made You More SWUG Than Ever

Last semester was pretty SWUG . This semester, it’s SWUG season 2.0!

You and pants have decided to take a temporary break from each other. The split was mutual.

You and pants have decided to take a temporary break from each other. The split was mutual.

You two just stopped getting along. You don't need pants to ace a Skype interview.

Via kimmiesgifgallery.tumblr.com

Abbi and Ilana have become your only gods.

Abbi and Ilana have become your only gods.

If you're not watching Broad City, do yourself a favor and go watch it immediately. If you have seen it, you know how well the pair know you. Like, you are Abbi and your best friend totally is Ilana. You can't tell if their misadventures make you worried about or excited for your quickly impending post-grad life. You don't know what to do until the second season premiere, but you pass the time watching their original webisodes.

tumblr.com / Via broadcity.tumblr.com

You are in one of two categories: "I have already have signed a job offer" and "If you ask me about my job search, I will start to cry in front of you."

You are in one of two categories: "I have already have signed a job offer" and "If you ask me about my job search, I will start to cry in front of you."

Seriously do not ask me what I am doing in May. Do not even hint at it.


You were overcome by the volume of scantily clad youths on Spring Break.

You were overcome by the volume of scantily clad youths on Spring Break.

Wasn't this beach supposed to be hoppin' with similarly aged college students? That girl is definitely wearing a Class of 2017 shirt.

Via mrwgifs.com

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