19 Nerdy Knits You Need To Knit Right Now

Wave your geek flag high with these brilliant and wooly projects.

Sherlock Wallpaper Pillow

Sherlock Wallpaper Pillow

Feeling "bored?" Distract yourself by knitting up this friendly pillow. The pattern can be easily adapted and repurposed to make other knitting projects such as a scarf or a blanket.

Pattern Found Here.

Andrea "Trooperschaf" / Via ravelry.com

Doctor Who Scarf

Doctor Who Scarf

Any self respecting Whovian will know the 4th Doctor's scarf is the ultimate knitting project. Sure it's going to be tedious to knit all 14 feet, but what does that matter to a Timelord?

Pattern Found Here.




Slide some cardboard inside to keep its shape, or stick to stuffing for a cuddlier TARDIS. If you want to get really fancy, you can get a recordable sound chip to sew inside for that classic "EERrwWwoooooSHHHhEERrwWwoooooSHHHh EERrwWwoooooSHHHh" sound when you squeeze it.

Pattern Found Here.


Baby Dalek Dress

Baby Dalek Dress

If all Daleks were this adorable even the Doctor wouldn't be able to resist succumbing to their charms.

Pattern Found Here.

Allison Bitter / Via ravelry.com

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