Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show Debut: Kardashian, Gaga, Tons of Stars Pay $100 Bet

Now THAT'S how you kick off your new gig! After months and months of anticipation, Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show premiered on Monday, Feb. 17, and NBC's new late night king, 39, started things off humbly enough. "I wanna say thanks to all the fans for their support," Jay Leno's replacement said behind his new desk. "And to my buddy who said that I'd never be the host of The Tonight Show -- and you know who you are -- you owe me one hundred bucks, buddy!"

Credit: Lloyd Bishop/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

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Following that taunt, Oscar-winning legend Robert DeNiro -- to surprised cheers from the audience -- ambled onto the stage to repay said bet-debt, slamming a one-hundred dollar bill onto the desk. As it turns out, DeNiro was just one of 14 mega-stars who supposedly lost a benjamin to Fallon: Over the next three minutes, DeNiro was followed by one A-lister after the next: Tina Fey, Joe Namath, Rudy Guiliani, Mariah Carey, Tracy Morgan, Joan Rivers, Kim Kardashian, Seth Rogen, Lindsay Lohan, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mike Tyson, Lady Gaga and finally Stephen Colbert.

Credit: Lloyd Bishop/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

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Colbert, naturally, paid his pal not in a hundred-dollar bill but with a bucket of pennies. "Welcome to 11:30, bitch!" he bellowed.

Credit: Lloyd Bishop/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

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