Baldwin: My baby got airport pat down

Alec Baldwin took to Twitter Monday to express his displeasure with the TSA.
Alec Baldwin took to Twitter Monday to express his displeasure with the TSA.
  • Baldwin says his infant daughter was selected for pat down at Nassau airport
  • He slams TSA and U.S. travel in a Twitter post

(CNN) -- Add Alec Baldwin to the TSA's list of unhappy customers.

The outspoken actor took to -- what else? -- Twitter on Monday to slam the Transportation Security Administration after he said his 5-month-old daughter was selected for a pat down while his family went through airport security in the Bahamas.

But, as the Twittersphere so helpfully pointed out to Baldwin, he had a couple of his facts mixed up.

First, the Bahamas is its own country, and not part of the United States.

And second, TSA doesn't operate outside the United States.

But Baldwin may just have a point.

Lincoln Adderley, a security supervisor at Nassau Airport, said airport authorities use TSA standards because passengers traveling to the United States clear U.S. customs before leaving the islands.

Adderley would not confirm that Baldwin's daughter was given a pat down, but said if a minor is selected for additional screening, they get a modified pat down.

Baldwin sarcastically thanked those who jumped on his tweet errors Monday -- including movie critic Richard Roeper -- and summed up his point simply:


CNN's Samira Said contributed to this report. - Entertainment