The X-Men fight for equality, but mutants are not all created equal.
Daniel Acuna/Marvel Comics
Broo is not just the worst X-Man ever – he may be one of the most awful and obnoxious characters in the history of the Marvel Universe. His over-the-top nerdiness and obsequiousness is meant to be endearing, but it's really just incredibly cloying and grating.
Nick Bradshaw/Marvel Comics
Slipstream is about as generic and forgettable as a superhero can be, but at least he's not annoying like Broo.
Marvel Comics
Lifeguard joined the X-Men along with her brother Slipstream, and is only slightly less forgettable than him. At least she gets to be "oh, wait, is that the gold-skinned one?" when anyone tries to recall anything that happened in X-Treme X-Men.
Salvador Larocca/Marvel Comics