16 Things Teen Girls Wore In The Winter Of 1996

As tOld By tHE dELiA’s CAtALoG.

1996 was quite the year for tween and teen fashion. Sweaters were large enough to swallow pre-pubescent boys, cargo pockets abounded, and patterns were barfy. Nevertheless, we can only seem to look back on this period with fondness. And thanks to I Heart the '90s, you can remember all of it in vivid detail...

Flickr: missjille

Sweaters with nordic patterns. You know, to channel your Scandinavian ice princess roots.

Sweaters with nordic patterns. You know, to channel your Scandinavian ice princess roots.

Flickr: missjille

Ringer tees.

Ringer tees.

Flickr: missjille

Boots with just the right amount of chunk.

Boots with just the right amount of chunk.

Flickr: missjille

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