The practice of pooping properly? It exists, according to Cameron Diaz, who continued her no-holds-barred, "love your amazing body" tour on Wednesday, Jan. 15, in a Dr. Oz segment devoted to, uh, bowel movements.
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The Body Book author, 41, who has previously shared her candid thoughts on the "crazy idea" of "young women undergoing laser hair removal on all of their lady bits," joined Dr. Oz on his talk show and shared her morning bowel movement routine. "This is the best way for me to go poop in the morning," she explained while holding a bottle of H2O filled to the brim. "Water wakes you up."
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In fact, Diaz's routine for going no. 2 is two-fold. "First, I brush my teeth because I don't want to swallow all the bacteria in my teeth from the night before," she shared. "So I make sure that's gone and then…" The Other Woman hottie then held the bottle to her lips and proceeded to chug the entire thing -- a liter of water -- as Dr. Oz and the stunned crowd marveled at her skill. "I can't believe you can do that!" he exclaimed. "It's unbelievable!"
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The show host added to Diaz, "I love how in the book you're so honest about poop. I'm going to high-five you on this." In one part of her guide to healthy holistic living, an unabashed Diaz writes, "Let's talk about poop, baby! Yes, you heard me right. Listen, it's a natural and necessary part of being human. Now I know that some people don't like talking about their bowel movements but here's why I'm talking about it: because your poop is a key indicator of your overall health."

Cameron Diaz chugged an entire liter of water and discussed the proper practice behind pooping with Dr. Oz on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Credit: Sony Pictures Television
In another frank chapter in the book, Diaz openly discussed her painful struggle with acne and how she overcame it. "I mean, I had terrible, terrible skin," she confessed. "It was embarrassing, and I did everything I could think of to make it go away." She found the solution was not resorting to harsh prescriptions or covering up her flaws with makeup, but considering what goes into her body.
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The actress told Dr. Oz on Wednesday that she was inspired to write the book so she could help women embrace and understand themselves: "I realized that women just have so much confusion about their bodies. They were literally looking at me going, 'how does this work? I don't understand it. I'm confused by it,'" she shared. "I thought how can you be confused by something that we spend our entire lives in. So because of that confusion, we've found ourselves comparing ourselves to other people, other women."