Someone Created Twitter Accounts For The “Sherlock” Characters With Glorious Results

Can’t get enough of “Sherlock?” Well, someone on the Interwebs couldn’t wait either, so they created Twitter accounts for Sherlock and the rest of the gang. WARNING: Some plot spoilers ahead for those who haven’t seen Season 2!

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock's account is spot on, filled with the expected dry humor and utter disregard for social norms.


Dr. John Watson

Dr. John Watson

The honorable Dr. Watson's Twitter is equal parts dry wit and frustration - usually aimed at Sherlock. Occasionally however, he'll converse with Lestrade or even fans.


Molly Hooper

Molly Hooper

Molly Hooper is still mooning over Sherlock via her Twitter feed. She's either constantly talking to him or planning out her job working in the morgue.


Gregory Lestrade

Gregory Lestrade

Whoever created Lestrade's twitter decided to take some liberties and make him funnier than the show's constraints allow him to be. Twitter Lestrade is constantly throwing snarky barbs at Mycroft and Sherlock.


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