“A Charlie Brown Christmas” Is The Worst

Charlie Brown is creepy, depressing and weird. Sorry not sorry.

First of all, Charlie Brown is a ginormous buzzkill.

First of all, Charlie Brown is a ginormous buzzkill.

STFU Charlie Brown. Just wait until your 20s when you have to pay rent and live off the residue of stale cereal and broken dreams.

Warner Bros. / Via photobucket.com

Same goes for this ray of sunshine.

Same goes for this ray of sunshine.

Go away, Lucy.

Warner Bros. / Via awesomegifs.com

These kids dancing. I can't even with their dancing.

These kids dancing. I can't even with their dancing.

Look at that kid's shoulders. Look at that girl's early-onset balding. What the hell is going on here?

Warner Bros. / Via charliebrownchristmasgifs.tumblr.com

This doesn't even make sense.

This doesn't even make sense.


Warner Bros. / Via gifsoup.com

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