The 24 Most Heroic Animals In History

As if we needed more proof that animals are amazing.

Three lions saved an abducted Ethiopian girl.

Three lions saved an abducted Ethiopian girl.

In 2005, a 12-year-old girl was abducted and beaten by seven men attempting to force her into marriage with one of them. The girl was missing for a week when she was found guarded by three lions. Policemen say that the lions "stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest." If it weren't for these lions, the girl's fate most likely would have been far worse.

Flickr: 19953384@N00

Moko the dolphin rescued two whales from beaching themselves.

Moko the dolphin rescued two whales from beaching themselves.

When Moko, a lone dolphin famous for her amiable nature to humans, saw two pygmy sperm whales swimming toward the shore (and their probable deaths), she sprung into action. The dolphin swam to the whales and somehow communicated with them to get them to follow her along the beach and back to sea. PHEW.

Flickr: 11527908@N00

Therapy dogs that have come to comfort those affected by Newtown.

Therapy dogs that have come to comfort those affected by Newtown.

Over 70 dogs of TDI (Therapy Dogs International) have been serving Newtown to help cope with the tragedy on Dec. 14, 2012. According to the director of TDI's Newtown chapter, "It's not just the children who benefit from's the parents as well...When children interact with the dog, it's almost as if there's a transaction of energy. The dogs offer kindness and love. If it's a bad day, the dogs can really help them just be kids."

Facebook: NewtownStrongTherapyDogs

Scarlet the cat, who risked everything to save her kittens.

Scarlet the cat, who risked everything to save her kittens.

On March 30, 1996, the garage then-feral Scarlette and her five kittens lived in was set ablaze. The New York Fire Department came to extinguish it and found Scarlett, severely burned, pulling her kittens out of the fire one by one. Temporarily blinded by her fire wounds, she touched each of her kittens with her nose to make sure they were all there and alive. Luckily, the firefighter took the family to a veterinary clinic in Port Washington, N.Y., where they were treated and put up for adoption. All of the cats found homes, and Scarlette was able to live out her days "like a queen"! Now, "The Scarlette Award" is presented to other heroic animals, be they heroes to humans or animals.

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