13 Foods That Rose To Power In 2013

Well, kids, once upon a time there was a pastry, and that pastry’s name was Cronut.

The Cronut

The Cronut

They came stumbling out of SoHo, hollow-eyed, dusted in crumbs, carrying a word on their lips that no had heard before. "Cronut," they murmured, crossing themselves, looking to the sky. "CRO-nut, like a CROissant, but also like a doughNUT."

By the time we saw the contagion spreading among us, there was nothing to be done. Profiteers rode the wave of hysteria; panic ruled. What mattered was never the pastry itself; it was the image of ourselves — now monsters — reflected in the rings of glaze.

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

The Brussels Sprout

The Brussels Sprout

This year, like the year before it, was the biggest yet for the small but mighty Brussel. Newly awakened acolytes, feverish with devotion, continued to join a pro-Brassica movement already in full swing. Even the Dutch may finally be learning to love their neighboring Belgian sprout. Take flight, tiny cabbage, to 2014 and beyond!

Emily Fleischaker / Via buzzfeed.com

The Oreo

The Oreo

Which other cookie invented in 1912 can claim to have gotten this kind of press coverage in the new millennium? It was the tweet that launched a thousand other vaguely similar tweets. It was the bravest #brand of all.

i360 / Via buzzfeed.com



This, we proclaimed, was the year of "peak umami." And, as America's Fermenter-in-Chief David Chang reminded us, just because we don't know we're eating MSG doesn't mean we aren't eating it pretty much all the time: “If I say, ‘That’s got MSG in it,’ no one’s going to say, ‘Well, that sounds delicious.’ But if I put Doritos on it…for fuck’s sake, Taco Bell’s marketing it directly.”

Speaking of which...

Justine Zwiebel / Via buzzfeed.com

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