‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Recap: Cristina’s Surprising Smooch and Arizona’s Secret Revealed

[Warning: This story contains spoilers from Grey's Anatomy's "Somebody That I Used to Know" episode.]

With Thanksgiving around the corner, the docs of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital started making their holiday plans thanks to the baking (and hopefully cooking) prowess of Owen's new girlfriend, Emma. 

While everyone began to solidify their plans -- dinner at Meredith's with Emma at the wheel or the interns celebrating with a bed-ridden Chief -- Callie learned the truth about Arizona's recent fling and Cristina found shocking support in an unlikely ally.

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Here's where everything stands, with only two episodes left before ABC's Grey's Anatomy goes on its winter hiatus.

Callie and Arizona: They're on the road to recovery -- until they hit a speed bump when Arizona confesses she was with someone while married couple was separated. After telling Leah that she shouldn't wait around for Arizona to repair her marriage, Callie learns the truth after the intern breaks under pressure during a surgery. Arizona, meanwhile, apologizes yet again -- only this time she explains she won't keep doing so and if they're really MFEO, she'll move back from the couch into their bedroom. The new honesty and communication between Callie and Arizona is refreshing, and one can only hope the reasons for her fling with Lauren comes to the surface soon.  

Bailey and Ben: The couple wind up in a big fight after he effectively turns her in for the OCD issues she's displaying after the stress of last season -- when a faulty glove almost cost Bailey her career. It's a meaty story for Bailey and already is compelling to watch one of Grey's Anatomy's most consistent surgeons suffer a major setback that makes complete sense after her identity crisis last season.

Cristina and Shane: After bitching to Alex that her work is suffering because of her inactive sex life, Shane overhears and volunteers his "services." (Ew!) After Cris hilariously tells him to stop talking, theywind up kissing (!) after the intern confronts Meredith about beloved machine. The confrontation doesn't go over well at all with Meredith and only widens the gap between the BFFs that started when Cristina revealed that she felt Meredith couldn't be both a good surgeon and a good mother. Was that kiss a one-time only way to thank Shane for defending her? Or could Cris be considering Shane's offer?

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Jackson and April: When April invites Stephanie -- but not her ex -- to her upcoming nuptials with Matthew, Jackson confronts April and explains that while she has his blessing, he won't be coming to the wedding. It's sweet of April to be mindful of Matthew's feelings, but those two crazy kids have no chemistry when compared with April and Jackson. And sadly, the same may be true for Jackson and Stephanie, no matter how cute and funny the intern may be.  

The Chief's recovery: Pushing himself to get out of the hospital, The Chief suffers a broken rib when he takes a spill on the treadmill, keeping the doc hospitalized for the holidays. We feel your pain, Chief, you've been bed-ridden a long time.

What did you think of Grey's Anatomy? Do you think Cristina will see Shane in a new light and take their relationship to the next step? Hit the comments with your thoughts. Grey's Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.  

E-mail: Lesley.Goldberg@THR.com
Twitter: @Snoodit

Lesley Goldberg