Nutrition Tips for Healthier & Happier Life! (Healthy Hollywood) – ARTICLE

First Published: November 7, 2013 2:29 PM EST Credit:

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- ‘The China Study’Caption ‘The China Study’Wouldn’t we all want to live to be a 100 if we could be happy & healthy?

Well, you can add years to your life by following a plant-based diet and of course not smoking and drinking to excess! Many of our chronic diseases all come down to lifestyle. That’s right, simple as that!

Healthy Hollywood recently attended the Plant-Based Nutrition Conference in Naples, Florida. For three days, I enjoyed the company and wisdom of some of the savviest – do-good doctors. For me, being in a roomful of smart wellness docs is like what some guys must feel being in a roomful of hot models – excited!

Anyway, Dr. Thomas Campbell, who co-authored “The China Study” with his father, was there. Healthy Hollywood had just finished reading their book and was excited to meet him. If you are any bit of a wellness junkie, chances are you’ve heard about and (hopefully read) “The China Study.” It has sold over a million copies and is the go-to-source for celebrities, ex-Presidents and us regular folks to learn about plant-based nutrition. Their well-documented research shows how this type of meal plan leads to better overall health and a skinnier waistline. In other words, you’ll never need to follow those trendy diets that promise to take off the pounds again!

So, I was excited to interview Dr. Campbell, who by the way, as an added bonus is super-cute and a lot younger than I imagined.

“You can lose weight, you can reverse heart disease, prevent colon cancer and likely other types of cancers. The goal is to be functional, healthy and happy. It’s about having the highest quality of life right up until the end. It’s about having the day-to-day vigor, health and energy. If you put right food in the machine, the machine is going to perform really well.”

“It’s easy, tasty and convenient and the rewards are innumerable,” promises Dr. Campbell of following a plant-based diet.

Healthy Hollywood thinks “The China Study” is a must-read for anyone who cares about their health and the health of their loved ones. But, to get you started, Dr. Campbell shared with Healthy Hollywood five of top nutrition tips.

1. Start with day with a good, healthy breakfast. Never have processed food, I always suggest whole grain. Try starting the day off with a bowl of oatmeal.

2. Healthy snacks. Try and have healthy snacks throughout the day; fruits are good or prepared vegetables. The idea is don’t’ want to get hungry. We are often in challenging food environments in our workplace or in our social settings and we are often tempted by food that everyone knows is unhealthy – cakes, cookies that type of thing. So, if keep full with the healthy stuff, it will really help with your willpower during the day.

3. Learn to make home-cooked meals. You don’t have become an expert chef. But a lot of people are not familiar with raw ingredients and how to pull simple meals together. And, the best way to control what is added to you food is to make it yourself – it’s the only way, actually. My suggestion is buy a cookbook and try some recipes. You will discover that it’s not that hard and you can easily make dishes that are tasty and nutritious. This will give you the tools and skills to implement a healthier diet.

4. Don’t eliminate bad foods; thinking of it more as crowding them out as you start eating better foods and taste buds change.

5. Get beyond the stage of moderation. Can’t expect to eat a plant-based diet once in a while and get dramatic effects. You can’t just have a Meatless Monday and the rest of your week is the same. That’s not give you the health benefits a whole foods diet.

For more on “The China Study”, check out and to find out dates and location for next year’s Plant-Based Nutrition Conference, head to

-- Terri MacLeod

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