If you say expresso one more time…
Ordering a dry cappuccino makes you an awful human being.
Especially ordering one during the morning rush. They take forever to make, which backs up the rest of the orders. So congrats, now everyone behind you hates you. Plus, it's not even a cappuccino; it's a cup of milky-air with some espresso at the bottom. Ugh.
Early morning is horrible for everyone, including your barista, so inside voices are appreciated.
Look, I know this is customer service, but cut your barista a little slack if they seem less than thrilled to make your quad-shot short-pull non-fat latte at 7 a.m., OK?
Tipping goes a long way to good fortune.
It's called coffee karma, which means the more you tip the more free drinks you receive from time to time. You don't need to make it rain, but a light drizzle every now and again is much obliged and will not go unnoticed.
The lovely smell of fresh ground coffee gets old real fast.
Customers are always like, "Don't you just loooove that smell?" No, for now it reminds me of double-shifts and cranky customers.