Carl’s Jr. Latest Hamburger Porn Ad

This time, staring Miss Alabama Katherine Webb.

Webb joins Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, and Kate Upton et al in the burger porn hall of fame.

If the 1960s was the creative revolution of advertising, then the Carl's Jr. ads are the creative de-evolution of advertising. Their commercials (especially this one) make me feel embarrassed to ever have worked in advertising.

There's nothing at all wrong with sexy commercials with sexy women.

But these spots have no intelligence, no creativity, no clever writing, no hook, no nothing — they're not even shot and edited well.

England, Australia, New Zealand, all have creative agencies with whip-smart creatives who have created cheeky, smart sexy ads with scantily-clothed women.

America, apparently, doesn't.

Ad agency: 72andSunny.

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