Celebrities React: Brendan Dassey Murder Conviction Overturned

Brendan Dassey Conviction Overturned Reaction


Brendan Dassey’s murder conviction was overturned on Friday. Now celebrity “Making A Murderer” fans are reacting to the news.

In 2007 at age 17, Dassey was convicted of homicide in the death of Teresa Halbach, along with his uncle Steven Avery. He was sentenced to life in prison. The Netflix series “Making A Murderer” examined the possibility that both were innocent, particularly given Dassey’s recanted confession.

Now a Wisconsin judge has thrown out the conviction, ruling that the interrogations that led to Dassey’s confession were unlawful. Dassey, now 26 years old, may be released from prison within 90 days, if prosecutors don’t re-filed charges against him. The decision does not directly affect Avery, who is also serving a life sentence, but he is also appealing his own conviction.

“Making A Murderer” captured the attention of many stars when it aired last year. While opinions on the men’s guilt and innocence have varied, many seemed to be stunned by this new development. Upon hearing the news, Alyssa Milano, for instance, tweeted, “What?!?!”

Debra Messing exclaimed, “WOW!!!!!!!” Don Cheadle similarly wrote, “Whoa!” In more colorful language, Jenny McCarthy expressed, “Holy sh*tballs Brenden Dassey!” And Nyle DiMarco posted, “Brendan Dassey is FREE!!!!! NETFLIX YOU DA REAL MVP!”

Shari Weiss