Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie’s Security Stop Homeless Man From Peeing On Property

Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Trespasser Pees

(Getty Images)

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s security team prevented a homeless man from peeing on the property of the couple’s Hollywood Hills home after finding him lurking in the bushes. Security guards initially believed the man to be a trespasser or deranged fan, and detained him while waiting for the police to arrive.

After investigating the situation, the cops learned the man was just looking to relieve himself and most likely wasn’t aware he was attempting to pee on the property of two of the biggest movie stars in the world. Surveillance videos taken at the couple’s home helped to clarify the account of events.

The homeless man had no warrants out for his arrest, nor a history of stalking celebrities. Pitt and Jolie weren’t home at the time of the incident.

Many other celebrities have had individuals on their private property; however, often in those cases, the trespassers have been crazed fans who were well aware of whose homes they were attempting to invade. As Gossip Cop has reported, celebrities including Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Simon Cowell, Keanu Reeves, Ellen DeGeneres, and many more have had to contend with trespassers or stalkers in one way or another.

Andrew Shuster