WATCH: Tina Fey And Amy Poehler SNL Video “Dope Squad” Mocks Taylor Swift

Dope Squad SNL


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler mocked Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” video as well as her “squad” on “SNL.” In their video titled, “Dope Squad,” we see the glamorous people with whom they hang, including Amy Schumer, while explosions go off in the background, much like Swift’s “Bad Blood.” Check out the video below.

The taped bit on “Saturday Night Live” began with Fey and Poehler doing a press junket for their new film Sisters, and being asked by an interviewer, “Movies, television, kids… How do you juggle it all?” Poehler explains, “We just have a great squad of people who help us out,” to which the interview asks, “Models and starlets?” But Poehler says it’s not that way, while Fey follows up and tells her if she wants to know how they really do it, the interviewer needs to “shut the [expletive] up and listen.”

Next, we see Fey and Poehler dressed up in post-apocalyptic leather gear. Underneath Fey’s name, we learn she’s called “Powderkeg,” while Poehler squad name is “Shortfuse.” We are then introduced to their “squad,” which includes their nannies and even their mutual gynecologist.

At one point, however, the two women note their squad is a veritable “who’s who,” with members including Gayle King, Robert Downey, Sr., and Amy Schumer, who has some hilarious moments in “Dope Squad.”

Of course, Fey and Poehler mocking Swift goes back a few years. At the 2013 Golden Globes, which they hosted, the two jokingly warned Swift to “stay away from Michael J. Fox’s son.” In a sequent interview with Vanity Fair, Swift noted how she heard from Katie Couric, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” One year later, though, at the the 2014 Golden Globes, after Poehler won an award for her work on “Parks and Recreation,” Fey congratulated her pal by saying, “I love you, and there’s a special place in hell for you!”

Watch the video below of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler mocking Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” video and her “squad” of models and famous friends on “Saturday Night Live,” and tell Gossip Cop what you think.

Michael Lewittes