Tom Hardy Confronts Journalist Who Slammed Him: “Doubt You Have Balls” To Insult Me “To My Face”

Tom Hardy Journalist Fight

(Getty Images)

Tom Hardy publicly apologized as well as emasculated a film critic who ranted about him after not getting to interview the actor during a recent press junket for The Revenant. The lack of access to Hardy first prompted HitFix film critic Drew McWeeny to go on a Twitter tirade in which he slammed the actor and accused him of being difficult during interviews. Afterwards, Hardy responded with an open letter to McWeeny.

McWeeny’s interview with Hardy was supposedly canceled at the last minute, and in response the film critic tweeted his frustration, which he directly mostly at Hardy himself. “Tom Hardy should stop doing junkets,” the journalist wrote. “He’s terrible at them, and he makes it impossible for anyone to do their jobs. F–k him.”

McWeeny tweeted several more insults, including, “Thanks for making my job impossible because you’re such a delicate f—ing flower.” He further called the actor a “piece of s–t” and a “spoiled baby.”

The tweets were brought to the attention of Hardy, who posted a response on his website in an effort to clarify the situation. “I apologise for any part of you having to wait for an interview and then not get one,” the actor wrote,” adding, “The cancellation was definitely not made by myself.” Hardy then went on to say he was “resisting the urge to dare” McWeeny to say to “my face next time we meet” the horrible things he tweeted, noting, “I doubt you have the balls to do.”

Still, Hardy wrote, “I want to apologise regardless… I appreciate it is a busy time of year for you and your time shouldn’t have been wasted. I never had any intention of causing you any inconveniences at all.” The actor then signed off, “Best regards and thanks for calling me an asshole a lot.”

Tell Gossip Cop what you think about Hardy’s exchange with the irate film critic.

Andrew Shuster