Tina Fey: I Was A High School Bully

Tina Fey Bully

(The Edit)

Tina Fey’s likable personality today is far from her days as a high school bully. The comedian, who graces the cover of The Edit, admits she was once a “mean girl” as a way of dealing with insecurities.

Fey explains that she was a bully in high school because “when you feel less than (in high school, everyone feels less than everyone else for different reasons), in your mind it’s a way of leveling the playing field. Though, of course, it’s not.” She recalls that her mistreatment of some classmates was “a bad coping mechanism,” noting that it “was a disease that had to be conquered.”

Not only did she move past it, but Fey is also now amazed that she ever behaved that way. Now, says the successful comedic star, “If I meet a girl of 14 or 15 today who is that kind of girl, I am secretly, in my body, afraid, even though I’m 45.”

Fey used her past bullying for the screenplay of her classic teen comedy Mean Girls. She also relied on it for a 2008 episode of “30 Rock,” in which character Liz Lemon discovered during her high school reunion that she was a bully who tormented her classmates.

Tell Gossip Cop what you think about Tina Fey’s days as a bully, and confessing that she herself was once a mean girl.

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