Kim Kardashian Did NOT Reveal Post-Baby Body, Despite Bikini Cover Photo Lie

Kim Kardashian Post-Baby Body Star 2015


Kim Kardashian did NOT reveal her post-baby body, despite a fabricated tabloid cover. Gossip Cop can bust the claim and reveal where the “new” bikini photo is really from.

The new issue of Star hit newsstands on Tuesday with a cover photo showing Kardashian in a white bikini with the cover line, “How I Got My Body Back!” The cover also features a “before” photo of the star while she was pregnant, with an arrow directing people to the bikini shot as the supposed “after” photo. The cover even touts Kardashian’s “sizzling Miami beach shoot!”

But in its attempt to dupe readers, the magazine fails to mention the photo is actually from December 2013. That’s TWO YEARS AGO. Star even had the gall to darken Kardashian’s hair color to make it in line with her current look, as she had blonde streaks when the picture was originally taken.

In other words, the cover is a total lie. There was no new “Miami beach shoot.” The bikini photo is two years old. And Kardashian most definitely did not tell the tabloid “how I got my body back.”

The accompanying story is also filled with falsehoods, like the absurd claim that Kardashian has lost 30 pounds in less than three weeks and is jeopardizing her health as she focuses on slimming down. But Star isn’t concerned with being truthful. The outlet simply wanted to create a sensational cover story to sell magazines. Don’t fall for this one.

Shari Weiss