David Beckham Fights ‘Force Awakens’ Star John Boyega In Lightsaber Battle (VIDEO)

David Beckham John Boyega Graham Norton Lightsaber

(Graham Norton Show)

David Beckham fought Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens star John Boyega in a lightsaber battle on Friday’s “Graham Norton Show.” Watch the men duel in the video below!

The soccer star appeared on the British talk show alongside Force Awakens stars Boyega, Daisy Ridley and Carrie Fisher. Beckham, who revealed on the show that his sons are massive Star Wars fans, agreed to test out his lightsaber skills against the new film’s lead actor. Beckham brandished the same weapon that the new movie’s villain uses, while Boyega, who has obviously had some lightsaber practice lately, used the blade of a Jedi Knight.

Also during the interview, Princess Leia star Fisher admitted that she accidentally spilled Force Awakens spoilers to Norton well ahead of the film’ release. “I may have told Graham a year ago all about the film,” she said. “I had the script for about three hours.” The talk show host added, “Of all the people to trust with a secret, I am not the one, but you told me everything, and I didn’t say a word.”

Gossip Cop will post the video of the lightsaber showdown between Beckham and Boyega as soon as it becomes available.

Andrew Shuster