Kim Kardashian: My Doctor Warned Me To “Manage” Pregnancy Weight Gain “Better”

Kim Kardashian Doctor Warned Pregnancy Weight

(Getty Images)

Kim Kardashian is admitting her doctor has warned her to “manage” her pregnancy weight “better,” a confession that will surely be used against her by the tabloids.

As Gossip Cop has reported, Kardashian has been documenting her second pregnancy with monthly updates on her website and app. For her official “eight months” update, the expectant star candidly discusses her weight gain. Her primary feeling?

“Anxiety, knowing my baby is so big and I’m gaining a lot of weight,” writes Kardashian. “My doctor wants me to manage it better, but it’s hard to! I have gained more than I did the first pregnancy. I’m up 52 pounds so far, with six weeks to go.”

Kardashian’s unborn son is currently the size of a “REALLY heavy pineapple,” and she’s bracing herself for a “big baby.” The reality star writes, “North was just four pounds, so this is new to me. This baby is already seven pounds.” Kardashian also acknowledges her “feet and hands are swelling,” and that she’s been craving ice cream, which is “not good.”

As for working out, “it’s just too hard at this point,” says Kardashian. Sadly, it’s possible her honesty has just given the tabloids more fodder. As Gossip Cop has pointed out, the rags have been body shamming Kardashian throughout her pregnancy.

In fact, back in August, Star ran a mean-spirited cover story falsely claiming Kardashian had already gained 65 pounds. Gossip Cop busted the fabrication, and now she’s confirming herself she’s not even at the mark a few months later. Now we won’t be surprised if next week’s tabloids twist, exaggerate, and sensationalize Kardashian’s new update into some kind of health emergency. And there’s still six weeks to go…

Shari Weiss