“How To Get Away With Murder” Recap: “Hi, I’m Philip”

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On Thursday’s “How To Get Away With Murder,” Annelisse’s case finally comes to an end, as she correctly identifies the DNA left at the crime scene. Here are the most important things to know about “Hi, I’m Phillip”, the eighth episode of season 2.

The episode begins with Conor, Laurel, Micheala, and Frank leaving the cafe where they planned to meet suspected killer Philip, during last weeks episode. As the group argues, Conor says he needs to go to Oliver’s house to check on him.

Back at Annelisse’s house, Nate drunkenly threatens her, saying her should kill her for make everything she’s done to him. Annelisse insists that he can always come to her, for anything, but lets him know she won’t sleep with him to make him feel better.

When Conor shows up to Oliver’s apartment, he finds the door ajar, his groceries on the floor, and Oliver no where to be found. Conor goes to Annelisse’s house, and tells her he thinks Oliver’s been kidnapped or worse, murdered.

Annelisse calls Frank, Laurel, and Michaela over to her house and they argue over whether or not they should notify the police, before Annelisse makes the final call that that Nate should call the police. But before Nate is able to notify anyone, Oliver walks through the door with Philip.

Conor tells everyone that Philip showed up to his apartment, and suggested they get something to eat. Conor then says he tried to explain to Philip why he hacked his computer, but thought it would be best if he heard it directly from the source.

Philip insists he’s not who they think he is. As evidence, he says he even though he’s never met them, he knows who his birth parents are, and has no connection to Catherine and Caleb. Philip confesses that even though he knows he’s “weird,” he would never be able to kill someone.

Annelisse tells Philip to blame her for what has happened, and Philip replies, he already does. He then lets her know he is planning to turn her into the cops, or find someone to sue her, hacking into his computer. Annelisse pleads with him to let her make him a deal, anything he wants. Philip considers it, but says he doesn’t know what he wants yet.

As soon as Philip leaves, the group tries to collect a sample of Philip’s DNA to test, to make sure he is who he says he is. Oliver then gives them a straw Philip drank from, when they went out to eat.

Then, Annelisse tells Laurel she needs her to be her new Bonnie, telling her the real Bonnie is out sick. Meanwhile Frank tried to bribe a lab techinician to rush the results of Philip’s DNA sample. Meanwhile, Nate is following Philip as he goes about his day.

Annelisse calls Bonnie, but she won’t answer. Annelisse tells her she’ll give her space if that’s what she wants, but that she’s waiting for her whenever she is ready to come back.

After avoiding answering to her clients for days, Annelisse has to tell Caleb and Cathrine what happened with Philip. They brother and sister are furious, even though Annelisse insister they’re still looking into the case. Laurel then gets a phone call from Sinclaire the prosecutor, who offer’s the Cathrine and Caleb a plea deal.

Sinclaire offers them 15 years each, saying its a “great deal,” and tells the, they have until 5pm to make a decision. Annelisse tells her clients this is a good sign, indicating the proecutor is scared of losing the case. Caleb says he wants to think about it, but Cathrine won’t consider.

Asher complained to Annelisse that he’s still on the outs with Bonnie, and wants to know if she’s heard anything, but Annelisse tells him to focus on the case. Cathrine then asks to see Wes, because he is the only one she trusts. Cathrine tells Wes that she needs his advice over whether to take the plea deal, and Wes tells her that if it were him, he would take it. At the same time, Michaela is trying to convince Caleb, not to take the plea deal, and that he should trust that Annelisse will find a way to set him free.

Back at the house, Annelisse asks Wes why he would tell Cathrine to take the plea, and he confessed he still feels guilty for not confessing to killing Sam. Annelisse ensuress Wes he was just protecting Rebecca, and inists no one should go to jail for that, before she send him home for the day.

While at the lab with Frank, Asher realizes that Sinclaire had Annelisse’s house tapped, and has been listening to all of their conversations regarding the case. Annelisse instructs her students to look for the bus, while pretended to look through all of the files has sent over, so that Sinclaire thinks they are at their wits end.

Cathrine frantically calls Annelisse, to tell her Caleb’s accepted the plea deal: 30 years, so that Cathrine won’t have to serve any. Annelisse tries to talk him out of officially accepting, but Caleb refuses.

Just as everyone thinks Asher made up the story about being tapped, he finds the bugged pen. Annelisse then tells a fake story directly into the microphone, misleading Sinclaire to look in Caleb and Cathrine’s house for the murder weapon . Sinclaire gets a search warrant, but realizes she’s been duped.

Meanwhile at the police station, Nate see’s Philip giving an official statement, and notifies Annelisse. Nate tells her he’ll, “fix this.” When Annelisse asks how, but he says she doesn’t need to know. Nate alters the database so that it looks like Philip has complained of stalking and hacking in the past, leaving the officers to believe he’s lying.

Caleb calls Michaela to tell her that Cathrine has made a new plea deal, agreeing to serve 10 years so that Caleb will serve none. Despite trying to talk her out of it, Cathrine says she won’t change her mind, and insists she’s taking the deal.

The group scrambles to come up with a plan to get the plea deal thrown out, asAnnelisse tries to stall, but the students come up empty. Just as Cathrine is about to accept the plea deal, Frank walks into the court with the DNA results. The test results cause Catherine to change her mind.

Annelisse tells Sinclaire that Philip is a DNA match. Not only that, he’s the product of incest, most likely the son of the murdered brother and sister.

Nate tells Annelisse the police are going to begin investigating Philip, first thing in the morning. Michaela and Caleb finally give and sleep with each other, but they aren’t able to enjoy the moment for long before Caleb shows her a hidden gun, and wonder is his sister actually did kill their parents.

After receiving a portrait from Cathrine as a gift, Wes remembers seeing a similar portrait and rushes to Annelisse house to confirm his suspicious. Once there, he find the picture of Philip in his apartment, and points out a portrait clearly painted by Catherine behind him.

Just then, Philip gets into the car with Cathrine, and tells her not to worry.

The promo for next week mid season finale promises to finally reveal the answer to the season long question, “who shot Annelisse? TELL US: What do you think of tonight’s “How To Get Away With Murder”?

Jelani Addams Rosa