Charlie Sheen “Today” Show Video: Actor Reveals He’s Been HIV-Positive For Four Years

Charlie Sheen Today Show


Charlie Sheen confirmed he is HIV-positive on Tuesday’s “Today.” Watch below.

As Gossip Cop reported, we first learned of Sheen’s status last month. On Monday, NBC announced the actor would “make a revealing personal announcement” in an interview with Matt Lauer. Shortly after, we confirmed his health situation would be the topic of the sit-down.

Speaking live at the “Today” show’s studio in Rockefeller Center, Sheen said, “I am here to admit that I am, in fact, HIV positive.” He said he found out four years ago when he had a “cluster of headaches” and was waking up in sweat. Sheen said he went to the hospital, thinking he had a brain tumor, but instead was told he had HIV.

Sheen told Lauer the reason he’s coming forward now is that he’s been subject to “shakedowns” by people who he confided to that he had HIV. The actor said he paid out “millions” to those “treasonous” people who have held it over his head. Sheen expressed that he was angry those people were taking money out of the pockets of his five kids and granddaughter. As for whether he will continue to pay people out, Sheen said, “Not after today I’m not. ”

When questioned whether he’s transmitted the disease to others, Sheen said, “Impossible.” He did acknowledge, though, he’s had unprotected sex with two people since being diagnosed with HIV, but those individuals “were under the care of my doctor” and were warned beforehand, said Sheen.

He said he himself was to blame for his behavior, which included having sex with prostitutes. And Sheen felt he, in a way, exposed himself to being shaken down because he continued to sleep with “unsavory” people. He noted, though, that unlike some others who come in contact with HIV, he never used needles while doing drugs.

Sheen noted he no longer feels the stigma of having HIV, telling Lauer that he hopes by talking now on the “Today” show about having it, it may “help a lot of other people, and others may come forward” and maybe even thank him.

The star’s doctor Dr. Robert Huizenga came on the show later and stressed that despite online rumors, “Charlie does not have AIDS.” He also stated that Sheen, who’s under a strict regimen of pills has an “undetectable” degree of HIV, and that while there’s still a chance he could pass the virus on to others it would be “incredibly rare.”

What the doctor is still very concerned about is that Sheen drinks. The actor swore he no longer does drugs, and that he’s never missed his “cocktail” of four pills a day to keep him healthy. Later, however, noted that some might be skeptical, given that he admits he drinks, but Sheen assured the “Today” show host, he’s been responsible.

After the segment with his doctor, Sheen came back to speak to Lauer alone about how he fully expects to be hit with a barrage of lawsuits by people who will claim he exposed them to HIV. Sheen also noted that while he understands he could face criminal charges, he says he can’t be worried about it.

Sheen said he hopes the public will now become more “supportive.” Lauer then read what some people wrote online, much of which was caring and compassionate. Sheen told Lauer that he will not become the “poster man” for HIV, but he also will not “shun away” from opportunities to help others.

Lauer asked whether the revelation that he has HIV has hurt him professionally, but the actor said he has a possible offer for a TV series and different movie roles.

Check out the videos below of Sheen discussing having HIV, and tell Gossip Cop what you think.

Shari Weiss

Charlie Sheen “Today” Show Video: Actor Reveals He’s Been HIV-Positive For Four Years

Charlie Sheen Today Show


Charlie Sheen confirmed he is HIV-positive on Tuesday’s “Today.” Watch below.

As Gossip Cop reported, we first learned of Sheen’s status last month. On Monday, NBC announced the actor would “make a revealing personal announcement” in an interview with Matt Lauer. Shortly after, we confirmed his health situation would be the topic of the sit-down.

Speaking live at the “Today” show’s studio in Rockefeller Center, Sheen said, “I am here to admit that I am, in fact, HIV positive.” He said he found out four years ago when he had a “cluster of headaches” and was waking up in sweat. Sheen said he went to the hospital, thinking he had a brain tumor, but instead was told he had HIV.

Sheen told Lauer the reason he’s coming forward now is that he’s been subject to “shakedowns” by people who he confided to that he had HIV. The actor said he paid out “millions” to those “treasonous” people who have held it over his head. Sheen expressed that he was angry those people were taking money out of the pockets of his five kids and granddaughter. As for whether he will continue to pay people out, Sheen said, “Not after today I’m not. ”

When questioned whether he’s transmitted the disease to others, Sheen said, “Impossible.” He did acknowledge, though, he’s had unprotected sex with two people since being diagnosed with HIV, but those individuals “were under the care of my doctor” and were warned beforehand, said Sheen.

He said he himself was to blame for his behavior, which included having sex with prostitutes. And Sheen felt he, in a way, exposed himself to being shaken down because he continued to sleep with “unsavory” people. He noted, though, that unlike some others who come in contact with HIV, he never used needles while doing drugs.

Sheen noted he no longer feels the stigma of having HIV, telling Lauer that he hopes by talking now on the “Today” show about having it, it may “help a lot of other people, and others may come forward” and maybe even thank him.

The star’s doctor Dr. Robert Huizenga came on the show later and stressed that despite online rumors, “Charlie does not have AIDS.” He also stated that Sheen, who’s under a strict regimen of pills has an “undetectable” degree of HIV, and that while there’s still a chance he could pass the virus on to others it would be “incredibly rare.”

What the doctor is still very concerned about is that Sheen drinks. The actor swore he no longer does drugs, and that he’s never missed his “cocktail” of four pills a day to keep him healthy. Later, however, noted that some might be skeptical, given that he admits he drinks, but Sheen assured the “Today” show host, he’s been responsible.

After the segment with his doctor, Sheen came back to speak to Lauer alone about how he fully expects to be hit with a barrage of lawsuits by people who will claim he exposed them to HIV. Sheen also noted that while he understands he could face criminal charges, he says he can’t be worried about it.

Sheen said he hopes the public will now become more “supportive.” Lauer then read what some people wrote online, much of which was caring and compassionate. Sheen told Lauer that he will not become the “poster man” for HIV, but he also will not “shun away” from opportunities to help others.

Lauer asked whether the revelation that he has HIV has hurt him professionally, but the actor said he has a possible offer for a TV series and different movie roles.

Check out the videos below of Sheen discussing having HIV, and tell Gossip Cop what you think.

Shari Weiss