"I know what it's like to be young and crazy on Twitter," said the 'Daily Show' host.
The latest person to criticize Rupert Murdoch's tweet about Ben Carson is Trevor Noah, who himself knows a thing or two about taking heat for tweets.
On Thursday's Daily Show, the host addressed Murdoch's recent tweet that compared the GOP presidential candidate to Barack Obama. Murdoch, who wrote that Carson would be a "real black president," later apologized.
"Ooh, tweets," said Noah. "Look, man — I know what it's like to be young and crazy on Twitter. You start to crave those faves, and you don't care how you get them. But once you're a little older and wiser, you'll hopefully stop making mistakes like this."
Noah's comments follow his own Twitter flap from earlier this year. Shortly after he was announced as Jon Stewart's successor as star of the Comedy Central series, he came under fire for previous tweets he had posted that were perceived to be misogynistic and anti-Semitic.
Continued Noah about Murdoch's tweet: "This whole time, conservatives have been accused of disliking Obama because he's too black, and now it turns out the problem is that he isn't black enough. Well, at least according to my n—er, Rupert Murdoch."
The host suggested that the tweet potentially could provide material if Murdoch ever decides to record a stand-up comedy album.
"Have you ever noticed that some black presidents veto bills like this, but real black presidents veto bills like this?" joked Noah in Murdoch's accent.
We will post video as soon as it becomes available.
Email: Ryan.Gajewski@THR.com
Rupert Murdoch