Roger Moore: James Bond Can’t Be Gay Or A Woman

roger moore james bond gay woman

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Roger Moore doesn’t think the James Bond character should ever be gay or a woman. Moore spoke with the Daily Mail on Sunday and said the reasoning for his controversial comments is simple, “That wasn’t was Ian Flemming wrote.”

“I have heard people talk about how there should be a lady Bond or a gay Bond, but they wouldn’t be Bond for the simple reason that wasn’t what Ian Fleming wrote,” Moore told the paper. Moore’s comments come on the heels of current James Bond, Daniel Craig, expressing the complete opposite view.

When asked by Sky News if he thought Bond could be gay, black or a woman, Craig replied, “Anything’s possible. You can do anything as long as it’s credible and it works.” Similarly, former Bond, Pierce Bronsnan felt, “Sure, why not?” when asked by Details if he thought Bond could be gay, although he doesn’t believe producers will allow it to happen.

Moore, who played the iconic Bond in seven films, insists that, despite what people might think about his opinion, he is not being discriminatory. “It is not about being homophobic or, for that matter, racist. It is simply about being true to the character,” he said.

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Jelani Addams Rosa