Lena Dunham Dressing As Planned Parenthood Doctor For Halloween Costume

Lena Dunham Planned Parenthood Costume Photo


Lena Dunham says she’s going to dress up as a Planned Parenthood doctor for Halloween, and she already has her costume all set. Check out the photo at right and below.

Dunham revealed her plans in the new issue of her Lenny newsletter, which features the “Girls” creator looking back at her Halloween “disasters.” Over the years, Dunham has dressed up as a mermaid (twice), Medusa, and even Louis C.K. It’s been four years since the actress has participated in the annual dress-up ritual, turned off by her repeated screw-ups (and because her “characters need to bust out 365 days a year, not just on Oct 31″).

“Still, I want to be accepted and to WIN BIG,” writes Dunham. “And this year, I think I may have finally nailed it. I’m going as something newsy, sexy, and cool: a Planned Parenthood doctor!” Of course, the actress’ comments are a wink to the controversies surrounding the Planned Parenthood organization.

While Dunham may just be joking here, some conservative outlets are already slamming her suggestion. The Federalist, for instance, wrote, “While Dunham did announce that she would be dressing up as a Planned Parenthood abortionist for Halloween this year, she has not stated whether she plans to carry around aborted baby body parts for sale. Either way, given Lena Dunham’s staunch support for an organization that targets hundreds of thousands of young lives for extermination each year, trick-or-treaters would be well-advised to skip her house this year.”

Dunham has long been a supporter of Planned Parenthood, and not afraid to show it. Nearly a year ago, as Gossip Cop reported, she went topless to draw attention to a shirt she designed for the organization’s Women Are Watching campaign for the midterm elections. Check out the full costume photo Dunham shared in her Lenny newsletter below, and tell us what you think.

Lena Dunham Planned Parenthood Halloween Costume Photo


Shari Weiss