Jimmy Fallon Explains Injuring His Other Hand at Harvard: I Threw Down Bottle of Jagermeister to Catch Fall

Fallon threw a bottle of Jagermeister to catch his fallJimmy Fallon explained how he injured his other hand on Monday, Oct. 26, on The Tonight Show Credit: Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images

Oops, he did it again! Jimmy Fallon joked about injuring his hand again last weekend while being honored by the Harvard Lampoon during The Tonight Show on Monday, Oct. 26.

“Welcome to The Tonight Show,” Fallon, 41, said. “I am your host, Trippy Fallon.”

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The comedian showed off his bandaged hand to the audience, covered in Sesame Street Band-Aids.

“This time, I injured my other hand right after getting an award from Harvard,” the comedian said. “Even after getting into Harvard, I still embarrass my parents.”

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Fallon explained how he tripped over a girl kneeling in front of him, as witnesses first reported right after the incident on Saturday, Oct. 24, and threw a bottle of Jagermeister that he was holding.

“Apparently some girl was going to kneel down to give me a flower or something,” he explained. “So, she knelt down, I didn’t see her, and I was like … I threw the bottle and then I just landed on broken glass. Pools of blood everywhere.”

But even after sustaining the gruesome injury, Justin Timberlake’s BFF still raved about the day.

“I had the best time,” Fallon said.

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