Waka Flocka’s Caitlyn Comments – ARTICLE

Waka Flocka Flame is taking some heat for comments he made regarding Caitlyn Jenner.

During an interview on Power 105's "The Breakfast Club" on Friday, the rapper said traditional families are no longer supported, and transgender people have the devil "playing tricks" on their minds.

"You know what the world is today, man? Women are afraid to be a wife and young males are afraid to be men. It’s like it's not cool. They’re not marketing that. They don’t market families and husbands and wives no more," he said. "They’re marketing young girls, transgenders, they’re marketing evil, man."

PHOTOS: Transgender Hollywood

Adding, "It's really evil, dog. Nothing against that. Evil is marketed."

The 29-year-old rapper said he doesn't have anything against people's personal preferences, but he takes issue with "glorifying" it in the media.

"Putting it on TV? That's crazy, man. Kids is the only people watching TV," he continued. "You know adults is too busy to watch TV, man – they're trying to control life. You can't stop your kid from watching certain channels –they're gonna watch it."

PHOTOS: Caitlyn Jenner

The rapper – who said he's not a "religious" man, but is a "God-fearing" man – went on to explain his views on transgender people.

"I ain't saying nothing against like a Bruce Jenner, you follow me, [but] you are who you are when God made you, not who you became after he did," he said. "That's how I just feel. You rebuking God, man! God ain't put them feelings in you, that's the devil playing tricks on your mind. That's a test from God."

Adding, "If you can't beat that one task and you believe that, then you'll believe everything else and you goin' down that way, you feel me?"

He also encouraged kids to work hard for good grades, saying "getting Fs in school" is "not gangster."

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"Stupid. I never in my life skipped school. I never skipped class in my life. Why would I go to school to skip school?" he said.

After facing backlash online over his Caitlyn comments, Waka responded on Twitter, Tweeting, "So now I'm #Homophobic because I don't agree with #CatlinJenner Smh."

He went on to defend his stance in a series of Tweets on Saturday:

-- Erin O'Sullivan

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