‘Big Brother 17’: Will the Twins Reunite With Austin for Christmas Dinner?

After making it to the final six, one Nolan twin walks out the front door. Courtesy of CBS

After making it to the final six, one Nolan twin walks out the front door.

"Against all odds they seemed poised to make it to the end," host Julie Chen says at the jump of Big Brother 17's live eviction Thursday night. "Steve made one of the biggest moves of the summer," she added about his target of "Austwins" this week. The result of his big move? After an impressive run together, surviving seven evictions, Liz and Julia's time as twins in the Big Brother house came to an end. But was the right twin sent home in order to further Steve and the other houseguests' game?

Here are the most twisted moments from one twin's last night:

Sisterly love. Fans have witnessed a lot of tears this season from one houseguest in particular: Vanessa. For the first time, audiences may have witnessed the first genuine tears in the Big Brother house and they were from the Miami twins. "You've got this, you've sacrificed your own identity," a crying Liz says to Julia, convincing her that she is the right twin to stay in the game. "You got to fight I know you can," Julia reminds Liz, that she's the right sister to stay. "True love, in my opinion, is when you love someone more than you love yourself," Liz tells Julia in her eviction speech. After a unanimous vote, Julia was the twin sent packing and Liz remains in the final five. 

Is she the biggest twist this summer? The glasses were back on as Vanessa put on her poker face in tonight's episode. On Wednesday night's "Power of Veto" episode, Vanessa did the unthinkable by convincing Julia to face off against Austin in the competition. Had she picked John instead, "Austwins" could have been safe this week. On eviction night she chooses which twin stays in the house. "I'm in a power position and that's just the way I like it," says Vanessa in the diary room. "I need to make some kind of deal with Austin and Liz," Vanessa says before she makes a three part deal with Austin and Liz. The professional poker player is known for her love of deals and those combined with endless tears of trickery all summer has made her the most strategic player this season. Early on in the game it seemed like an even playing field, but week after week Vanessa has been a mastermind, sending houseguest after houseguest out the door. She once was a target and it looked like her game had blown up, but if she makes it passed the final four she could be this seasons winner. She definitely has one vote in jury: "I think she deserves it," Shelli says. 

"Lingerie parties." They would happen if James got his wish while being the only male in the jury house. He seemed to be taking his eviction better a lot better than Meg. After slapping him when he walked in the jury house, Meg told him, "I'm livid that you're here." Although both lost out on prize money for making it to the final two, all houseguests still have a chance to win "America's Favorite Houseguest" and $25,000.If anyone deserves it, it's James. 

Twin for the win? "Did the others make a mistake by keeping her and not you?" Chen asked Julia. Liz has won three Head of Households this summer, and has target Austin as a shield to get her to the end. Although she didn't make the biggest moves in her reign as "HoH" she still managed to remain in the game with both her twin sister and showmance not being targeted until the final six. If Vanessa's sent out of the door this week, then Liz could see a check for half a million dollars on finale night. How to heighten her chances even more? If she's the one who sends Vanessa out the door, making it the biggest move of the summer.  

Judas dressing up as Santa Claus. Austin's alter ego Judas may be taking some reindeer to Miami to see the twins. "I hope to see you maybe at Christmas dinner with the family," Austin told Julia in his good bye message. Chen seemed stunned by his message, and Julia's approval of it.  "I approve this message," Julia says of Austin and Liz's relationship. "Big Brother love lasts," Julia claims that Austin could be her brother-in-law. There have been two Big Brother marriages with Rachel and Brendon and Daniele and Dominic and a third underway with Jeff and Jordan, so don't rule anything out, but who will Liz be marrying Austin or Judas?

Do you think Liz has a chance to win the game? Will Vanessa survive another week and take home the half million? What do you think Austin will bring to Christmas dinner? Sound off in the comments below and stay tuned to The Live Feed for all things Big Brother.  

Big Brother

Brian Porreca