‘Big Brother 17’: A Backstab, A Breakup and the Biggest Blindside of the Summer

A huge curveball wittled down five to the final four and left one houseguest heartbroken.  Courtesy of CBS

A huge curveball wittled down five to the final four and left one houseguest heartbroken.

"It's time to throw a curve ball at the houseguests," host Julie Chen says of the surprise eviction episode. "It's time to blindside them with the news," she added. A surprise was brought to the house as the final five quickly transformed into the final four. With $500,000 on the line anything goes and professional poker player Vanessa decided to make the biggest blindside of the summer leaving the newest evicted houseguest not even enough time to get his shoes. 

Here are the stand out moments from the biggest blindside of the season: 

Life in pieces. The summer staple made a plug for CBS' new show Life in Pieces. The "Power of Veto" competition was a puzzle to put pieces of the Life in Pieces promo poster together and for some houseguests (Vanessa) they were eliminated within seconds. The biggest puzzle to put together though was whether Johnny Mac would really throw the competition risking his fate in the game. "Either Johnny Mac has lost his marbles or he's become one with Judas," said Austin of Johnny Mac's pitch to throw  him and Liz the "Power of Veto." The rock star dentist realized the only way he could remain safe was by putting another veto medallion around his neck, but what was he really thinking by even offering to throw it?

A swim to finale night. Grab a paddle. "I don't even know who I'm mad at I'm just mad," Vanessa says in the diary room. In total in tonight's episode the Vegas resident was caught crying on three different occasions. "Cry your eyes out Vanessa. Cry your f--- eyes out," Steve laughed about her endless tears throughout the game. She even cried after she blindsided Austin, more so than his showmance Liz.  Those tears have secured her spot in final four, but will she drown before she can get to finale night? Also does she like the word "deal" more than she likes to cry?

A barefoot blindside. "It's time for some blood people!" Johnny Mac says when he votes to evict Austin. Ultimately it was Vanessa who made the vote to send her ally out the door, which brought out Judas on his way out.  "There's zero chance she's going to win the game," he scoffed at Vanessa on his way out telling Chen, "She didn't have to scumbag me to do it. She chose to Judas, Judas." Although he walked out the door without his shoes he still tried to remain bold and beautiful. Well, he seemed overly confident that he'll appear on the daytime soap Bold and the Beautiful as past Big Brother houseguests have done after the show. Will him and Judas make the cut?

Derrick doesn't live here anymore. Last season's winner Derrick was a clear front runner from the beginning of the game. This season, although she sports a beanie Vanessa is no Derrick. She did have a hand in almost every eviction this summer, but for the first time in a long time for Big Brother, each of the final four houseguests seem to have an equal shot of winning the game. It will all come down to tomorrow night's eviction, but after the final three is determined anyone has a shot of walking away with the grand prize.

Were you shocked by Austin's eviction? Do you recommend he wear shoes next time? What did you think of all Vanessa's tears? Chat about it in the comments section below and stay tuned to all things Big Brother

The Big Brother season finale airs Wednesday September 23 at 9:30 pm on CBS.

Big Brother

Brian Porreca