One Direction action/1D Video: Fans Tell Leaders The World They Want

One Direction action 1D video


One Direction wants to make the world a better place before going on hiatus next year. The band released a new three-minute video on Monday called “Dear World Leaders” in which Directioners from 172 countries describe the ideal world in which they want to live. Watch the below.

The project was developed from a month-long social media campaign that brought fans together using the hashtag #action1D. Within hours of the challenge being issued, submissions were received from as far away as Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, and South Africa.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the fans’ response to ‘action/1D,’” says Harry Styles in the video. “They continue to amaze us with their passion and dedication, and this film goes to show how engaged they are in the issues that affect them.”

Many voices heard in the final clip speak of eradicating hunger, poverty, and illness. Others hope to bring about equal rights for everyone.

“I really hope world leaders take notice of what we and our fans are saying,” adds Niall Horan. “Hillary Clinton tweeted us her support of ‘action/1D’ last month. I’m hoping President Obama watches it next.”

Announcing the release of the clip on twitter, Louis Tomlinson told 1D faithful. “We couldn’t have done it without you.” Check out the video below of “Dear World Leaders,” and tell Gossip Cop what you think

Sean Daly