Mel Gibson Did NOT Attack Photographer Kristi Miller In Sydney, Despite Claim

Mel Gibson Photographer Attack

(Getty Images)

Mel Gibson attacked a Daily Telegraph photographer named Kristi Miller outside the Australian Israeli Film Festival in Sydney on Sunday. Shortly after Miller, a 20-plus-year veteran news photographer, took two pictures of Gibson and his girlfriend Rosalind Ross leaving a movie theater, Miller said the actor-director snapped and “shoved my back really hard” before unloading a string of curses at her that left her “shaken.”

Miller told the paper, Gibson was “red in the face” and “out-of-control,” and “I thought he was going to punch me in the face.” The mother of three kids said the actor, who felt she was “disrespecting” him by taking photos, didn’t even stop to breathe as he was “abusing me” and “screaming.” Miller added, “He was spitting in my face as he was yelling at me, calling me a dog, saying I’m not even a human being and I will go to hell. He swore and called me a c**t.”

According to Miller, Gibson would have continued to berate her as “disgusting,” “worthless,” and a “vile person” had it not been for his girlfriend grabbing the hot-headed star’s shoulder and telling him, “That is enough.” The news photographer said Ross told her afterwards, “I’m so sorry.” Miller reported the incident to the police.

Of course, this is not the first time Gibson has gone into a rage. When he was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving in Malibu back in 2006, Gibson went off on a police officer, spewing a string of anti-Semitic remarks. And as Gossip Cop reported in 2010, Gibson was caught on tape tearing into his then-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in a number of extremely graphic and threatening voicemails.

Source: Daily Telegraph

Michael Lewittes